What is AI
Artificial Intelligence: This means I am giving someone a brain certain parameters(limits) and telling them what thoughts I want them to focus on. I am then saying focus more on those thoughts and come up with combinations of those thoughts by learning from what I have given you.

For us to give the AI a thought we need to have a place for it to process and we call that a processor so it can think about thoughts. Then we need to have a place to store the thoughts and we call that Storage. For us to see what they are thinking we need a device or a computer(this is also where we tell it what we want it to think). When we want to make sure a evil villain or a bad person steal our AI thoughts we secure it and we call it CyberSecurity which just means digital(1’s – 0’s). We want to secure our AI thoughts that are in 1, and 0. We are helping computers think more like humans. AI uses Algorithms: which are step by step instructions on how to complete a task. This all gives AI a thought process and it can now make a decision without us telling it what outcome it should have. Once we tell AI what we want it what problem we want it to solve, it can automatically do it for us and we call this automation.

Why would we use AI: We have problems that we need help with. AI helps us figure out problems that may take us a longer time to figure out or problems that are more difficult to solve.

Do AI speak English: AI has its own language and that we speak to it in and when AI gives us an answer in translating their language into ours so we can understand it.

How does AI Learn: Humans show computers what to do. AI Needs to see what we are physically doing to understand what it looks like, then we have to tell them what we are trying to do or the goals we have. AI then figures out how to do this with all the possible combinations it has on how to complete the task. When our Machine can learn we call this Machine learning.

What is AI limited by: Humans

Why is it important that students learn about AI: AI will change the work place and automate tasks that humans use to do. This frees up humans to do other things. We can be upset or we can be prepared. We cannot afford for our teachers and leaders to be ignorant. If you become ignorant our kids will suffer. It is not about you, it is about our future generations.

What happens when we use AI and Sustainability(People, Place, Prosperity): AI can be used to predict how we can create a better quality of life for people. AI learns from the person that is training it, so now when we train it from a different perspective it can have different results that are less biased.

AI Ethics: can AI or a Robot be unethical? What is ethics and what does it mean to be unethical? Can we give a robot a job and charge it taxes?

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